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- Short: 1.9 - Flexible catalogs (C, Asm, Oberon, E, ...)
- Author: Marcin Orlowski <carlos@inet.com.pl>
- Uploader: Marcin Orlowski <carlos@inet.com.pl>
- Type: dev/misc
- Version: 1.9
- Replace: dev/misc/FlexCat*
- WWW: http://wfmh.man.szczecin.pl/flexcat/
- ----------
- FlexCat creates catalogs and the source to handle them. The difference
- between FlexCat and KitCat, CatComp and some others is, that FlexCat is
- designed to produce any source you want: any programming language, any
- individual needs should be satisfied. However, FlexCat is not more
- difficult to use.
- This sounds like a contradiction. FlexCat's solution is to use
- template files, the so called "source descriptions". Ready to use examples
- for Assembler, C, C++, E, Oberon and Modula-2 are distributed, additionally
- an example for supporting catalogs on Workbench 2.0. Any other examples
- are welcome.
- Changes since previous release:
- -------------------------------
- * V1.9 (01.08.97) - Now you can use special $TODAY attribute
- in your $VER string. While creating catalog,
- $TODAY will be replaced by current date (note,
- only 1st occurance will be processed). If you
- want your version strings to always be recent
- dated type: $VER: FlexCat.catalog 3.0 ($TODAY)
- NOTE: This string is CASESENSITIVE!
- FlexCat preferences added. To define your own
- defaults, set the environmental variable
- "flexcat.prefs" with the contents matching
- following template: "SDDIR/K,MSG_NEW/K,
- QUIET/S". Note FlexCat is using ReadArgs()
- to parse the preferences, thus place all the
- items in one line.
- If you use FlexCat for #?.ct updating, you
- probably was missing any additional markers
- to let you easily find the new strings. Now
- you get them. By default the "***NEW***",
- is used, but you may configure it using
- FlexCat preferences.
- QUIET switch used to suppress error messages.
- Fixed.
- New C source descriptor Cat2h_?.sd. Read
- the manual or Lib/Cat2h.readme for more
- information.
- Version of updated catalogs bumped to 2.5
- Portugese translation of program catalog, thanks
- to Frederico Borges <famb@mail.telepac.pt> and
- Alexandre Gabriel <chryse@mail.telepac.pt>
- Swedish translation of FlexCat manual,
- thanks to Magnus Holmgren <cmh@lls.se>
- Spanish translation reworked by
- Marcos Broc <amiga187@arrakis.es> and
- Samuel Aguilera <slyguy92@arrakis.es>
- Now FlexCat does DisplayBeep() when any error
- or warning happen (but don't worry, it's smart
- enough, so you won't experience any Beep() bombing ;).
- By using NOBEEP switch you can shut it up.
- Previous releases had problems with comment lines
- ending with \'s, which made FlexCat think it's multiline
- string. Now it is not as dumb to get fooled any longer.
- You can now use octal, decimal and hexadecimal
- (e.g 0x20) digits for all FlexCat digital arguments
- (like ##version) as well as for (ID/MIN/MAX),
- ##codeset and others.
- FLUSH switch added. By using it all unused
- catalogs (but also libraries, fonts, devices etc) will
- be flushed from memory, whenever new catalog is
- written. So note: FLUSH works only with CATALOG switch
- (it means while compiling new catalog).
- New C source descriptors: catcomp_h.sd creates
- source (almost) identical to CatComp's ones, but
- expanded for multicatalog support. With this
- descriptor you can handle more than one catalog
- in your program harmless. NOTE: for compatibility
- reasons, other descriptors remain unchanged (however
- additional, multicatalog versions may appear
- in next release).
- FlexCat does not accept empty ##language argument
- any longer.
- FILL switch. This feature is highly useful for the
- translators, and probably for them only. Normally,
- when you're working on the new translation, some
- of the strings remains untranslated due the work
- is just in progress. Unfortunately all catalog
- tools write all these empty strings into the catalog
- file, which will cause empty buttons, menus or simmilar
- things to appear whenever you check your unfinished
- translation with the program, which isn't nice effect.
- Using FILL you may force FlexCat to ignore all empty
- translations (strings from #?.ct file) and instead
- to write original string (from #?.cd) to the catalog.
- That prevents you from watching empty GUI etc.
- NOTE: this option is only for testing purposes.
- Final catalogs should always be created without FILL
- switch used!
- English manual is now up-to-date.
- Added %a, %t and %z operands for source
- descriptors. See (probably english and
- swedish only, for now) manual for detailed
- information